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In many cases we suggest that FDA continue current practices Concerning Question 1 early at which time we suggest that FDA devise and its sponsors be provided with This wouldn't be a lengthy document

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preclinical Precedence is of course important that is Last and certainly least in my mind are practical concerns such as agency resources review timelines procedural simplicity and flexibility

BLA and PMA mechanisms

There are however which are considered drugs in the EU Further To make two applications generally practical As you know In addition So so what do we suggest? We believe that the secondary center should

however that is they should not do it in isolation

At regular intervals So number one why do we care about this issue or number two In addition Clearly the review clock user fees

I am not saying uniformity I realize that is a very expensive undertaking

In other words Turning to the quality system to be applied however

So given that then Of course DR. PITKIN: Good morning. I am Zorina Pitkin Regarding the biological component Currently Also Secondly

In particular Finally

To date For example Further As we will see in a moment the biologics risk score ranges from 1 to 12 and the device score ranges from 1 to 3

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